Health and Safety Policy

Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and associated
protective legislation, the company, both as an Employer and as a Company, has duties in respect of health, safety and welfare. The
company recognizes these responsibilities and undertakes to implement all measures that are reasonably practicable to ensure the
health and safety of its employees and members of the public which could be potentially at risk during works carried out by our

The established procedures we have in place to meet this commitment are in harmony with current statutory obligations and
regulations pertaining to health and safety in the workplace.

H2o Clear will do all that is reasonably practicable to reduce the number of occupational accidents and illnesses.

H2o Clear will pay particular attention to:

•        protecting the health and safety of its employees and any members of the public who may be affected by work carried out by the
•        providing adequate instruction and training regarding health and safety at work
•        providing and maintaining suitable equipment for each task to be carried out with the minimum risk.


G. Kellett has overall responsibility for health and safety in the Company. G. Kellett is the safety officer and has responsibility for
implementing the company’s health and safety policy, monitoring procedures and communicating to G. Kellett any health and safety
issues arising. Regular inspections of work practices, maintaining safety records, updating risk assessments and investigating
reports of accidents at work are all responsibilities of the safety officer. While H2o Clear does all it reasonably can to provide
guidelines and training to its employees in the matter of the health and safety at work, each employee bears his own responsibility to
take care of their own and other people’s health and safety interests. An employee should not carry out a task or use a certain piece if
they feel that it is dangerous to do so. Each employee has an individual responsibility to put into practice the safety guidelines
provided them and to read and apply risk assessment findings, working in harmony with the method statement. Any hazardous
situation posing a serious or imminent threat to operatives or the public, should be duly reported to their health and safety
representative or safety officer. This would include employees making the safety officer aware of any medical condition or illness they
have which could interfere with safe working practice.

Instruction and Training

As part of the induction process of each new employee, training is provided in regard to performing their job safely in accord to
statutory obligations and company procedures. Training will also include instruction on how to use the equipment provided in the
correct and safe manner. Ongoing instruction is given as risk assessments or company procedures are updated.

First aid and Accident Reports

First aid boxes are kept in each of the company’s vehicles and one in the office.  During induction, employees are to be shown the
location of these and given the names of the designated first aid personnel. Any injuries, including minor injuries, sustained by
operatives or staff are to be recorded in the accident book and reported to the safety officer, thus allowing the effective monitoring of
health and safety procedures. Reports must therefore be accurate and comprehensive. An inspection of the accident book will take
place on a regular basis by the safety officer and all accidents are to be investigated. Following investigation, a report is to prepared
suggesting any necessary action or controls to put in place as a preventative measure for recurrence of the problem.


If an employee acts in violation of health and safety rules and procedures or neglects to work in harmony with such, then disciplinary
action according to the Company’s disciplinary procedure may be taken. According to the severity of the offence, it could result in the
employee being dismissed on the grounds of gross misconduct.
Tel / Fax:  01691- 610104    Mobile:  07734-245086    Email:
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